Need To Feel Grateful

Today, with the ‘fire and fury’ mess, I feel a special need to acknowledge how grateful I am for the life I have.  First, my partner, Wonono.  He is always supportive, and also funny, and smart and thoughtful.  Even when we disagree or are annoyed with each other, one of us comes around to figure it out, and we both move on, even closer to one another.  It’s taken me a long time to get partnering right, but with lots of help from a couple of therapists along the way, and me taking the time and energy to understand my own mistakes and to work at changing what needed to be changed and accepting what didn’t, I finally have succeeded.  My daughters, who urged us to move close to them, and who both seem to enjoy my company (as well as ours), are a huge plus.  I loved where I used to live, the environment truly felt like home, but moving was the right choice nonetheless.  Being close to them has enriched my life immeasurably.  When they were both out of town recently, I was amazed at how adrift their absence made me feel!  Although I would prefer having a water view – ha, I now live in the high desert – I have come to appreciate the beauty where we now live, as my younger daughter assured me I would. She told me it had taken her some time, but that appreciation finally did take hold.  True for me as well.  I am grateful that even without the rental income I enjoyed for years, I am surviving without it. Thank God I have always been thrifty, and managed to save!  And then there are my grandsons.  They are a true joy.  The other day the older  boy told me “grandma, I love to read” which almost made me come unglued.  Me too, and like him, from a very early age.  Can a love of books be inherited? If I can focus on all of these blessings instead of the fear that we are all about to be annihilated, take  a deep breath, and tell myself ‘just for today’, I should be OK.  So ‘just for today’ I am writing out my list of ‘grateful’s’ to help that process.  Hope it helps yours as well.

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