Almost Up and Running

After facilitating a 3-day workshop over the weekend, I have begun to think about fear, and how it has kept me in boxes over the course of my life, especially hearing other women talk about the same thing. How do I rid myself of mine, or move beyond it? How do I help others to do the same? Years ago when I took my kids rappelling in the San Bernardino Mountains my younger daughter didn’t weigh enough to counter the ropes and therefore could not rappel. She was so angry, she told the leader to find rocks and load up her backpack, which he did. I could clearly see her chin, jutting out, as she faced me, and started to move down the rock face, determined to do what the rest of us had. This is how I see myself, and how I have always functioned with and through fear. I would like to find a better way. Now I tell my mind to ‘stop’, even making a physical gesture, hands out, and then taking several deep breaths. I also tell myself that big Nancy is here; I no how to proceed slowly, and I can get through this. Sometimes it works well, other not so. I repeat the gesture, read something compelling to take my mind off my fear, and then begin again. I welcome other techniques, because I think sharing how we cope helps us do better.

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