What’s Life For?

Twice a year I receive an Alumni Magazine from Sarah Lawrence College.  Last week the representative for our year (1970) sent the query ‘what are you up to’ by email rather than snail mail for the first time.  She included the list serve, and one of the women, saying she couldn’t resist, asked the rest of us, “Would anyone like to venture what my (our) life was for?”  It prompted many responses, all heart felt, most thoughtful, and all interesting.  From ‘finding god’ to ‘being kind and generous to others,’ the replies were extremely varied.  Since it seemed to relate directly to the work we are doing with one another here, and with “Little Nancy”, I put in my 2 cents in this email chain too.  I found myself looking for more replies every day, and thinking about them quite a bit.  I couldn’t help but wonder, when I sat down to blog this morning, what the response would be to the same question from those of you who check in with this blog every few weeks.

Here is my response to the question today.  I honestly think we’re here to grow into the person we are meant to be.  By that I mean by that is: shedding all the notions we’ve been taught about who we are, going through the process to figure that out for ourselves, and then to looking back on that journey and accepting our choices – right or wrong – which is no easy task.  As I persevere on this path, it feels as if there is an opening up, that almost feels as if it is happening in my chest, to the day, the week, the year, and most of all, to myself, the full person I have become along the way, and the person who is still ‘becoming’ and continuing down the road of self-discovery.  It aint always pretty, this journey, but if I continue to be willing, it sure takes me to interesting places.  Including the writing of this weekly blog!

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One Response to What’s Life For?

  1. Nancy says:

    Would that I could feel that joy everyday. I still get bogged down in my ‘shoulds’. But hearing that others are persevering with wants first, gives me courage, and reminds me each day, to do the same. So I’m done for the day and am gonna walk and read!

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